Monday, October 20, 2008


Today, I went over to the home of my 90 year old grandpa for what might be my last visit during his lifetime. My family recently discovered that my grandpa is dying of Cancer and so he doesn't have very much longer to live. My grandma died 7 years ago and I think that grandpa is looking forward to seeing her again in the spirit world.
For his profession, grandpa was an orthodontist and he did my braces as a teenager for free. I followed in my grandpas footsteps a little bit by also entering into the profession of Dentistry as a Dental Laboratory Technician. In recent years, I was able to return the favor to my grandpa by making most of his crown and bridge work for free. My grandpa has been a big influence in my life as well as in the lives of his children and grandchildren both professionally as well as in their day to day spiritual life.
While it is sad to think about losing my grandpa, I am also glad to know that I can see my grandpa again someday. Like birth, death is just another step that we have to take along life's path. At the time of physical death, our spirit will leave our body and go to the spirit world, where we will continue to learn and progress. The spirit world is the place where our spirits go between death and the resurrection. For those who were righteous during their lives, the spirit world will be a place of peace and joy. Sometime after death, our spirit and our body will be reunited-never to be separated again. This reuniting is called resurrection, and it was made possible by the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You will remain in the spirit world until you are resurrected.
I love my family and I know that families can be together forever. I know that one day I will see my grandma and my grandpa again.

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